Reading and Writing Goals
Happy New Year! Do you write resolutions? I’ve been doing it since I was a kid. My mom and I used to sit at the kitchen table and she would write out her resolutions as she smoked her morning cigarette. The resolutions eventually took hold because she quit smoking when I was ten (yay!). I’m guessing my resolutions included something like, “fight less with my brother” and “get good grades.”
There’s a famous quote from Woody Allen that says, “We make plans and God laughs,” (as evidenced by the Covid pandemic) yet I’m still pro-resolution writing. Goal setting is fun because you get to design your life, or at least sort through your priorities.
Here are my writing goals for 2025:
Finish reading all the books I bought last year.
Y’all, I have a serious book-buying problem. Granted, I read A LOT, but I also have like dozens of books on my shelves I want to read but either never had the time to start them, or did start them but never finished them. If I was really hardcore, I could refuse to purchase any new books until I finished reading the ones I already have, but we both know that would be a lie. I’m not going to start the new year as a liar. I will finish reading last year’s books though 😉
Release To Condemn a Witch
To Condemn a Witch is the prequel of To Rescue a Witch. Here’s the quick synopsis:
In the shadows of Scotland, a maiden, a mother and a crone—bound by fate and forbidden magic—must unite as an unlikely coven to protect a changeling child from those who crave her extraordinary powers, in a struggle that could alter the course of their world.
The book cover reveal will come out on my birthday, February 2nd.
I’ve been working hard to get the manuscript up to speed. I got the draft back from my line editor with over 750 changes to make (gulp!), so that is my big project for January. I send it off to beta readers in February with hopes they will like it and give useful feedback. I’ll probably open up some beta reader slots to people who follow my blog too. More on that as it gets closer to the final draft.
Complete To Raise a Witch
Sequentially, this will be after To Rescue a Witch and it will focus on Fiona teaching Annaliese some witchy ways of healing and harnessing her powers. I’m getting kind of excited to write it.
Those are my three writer goals. Did you know I also have a fitness blog called I wrote about my fitness goals over there. Feel free to check it out and play Wellness Bingo with me.
How about you? What are your goals for 2025?
Lisa 😉
P.S. – I’d also like to take a minute and give a big shout out to you for reading my blog and books. Your support means the world to me. 🙂 In case you missed it, I did a quick year in review reel on Instagram (about 30 seconds.)
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