Well, that was intense.
Everyone is always busy. That’s our default, right? But did you ever have one of those months that was crazy-busy on steroids?
In November we decided to remodel our home (while living in it), doing the demolition ourselves to save money. Here’s the catch: it had to be completed within three weeks because my brother was coming for Thanksgiving and it’s hard to offer turkey with a side dish of drywall dust.
During these same three weeks, I flew to Colorado for a writing conference led by Jerry Jenkins (New York Times bestselling writer behind the Left Behind and The Chosen books),

had three suspicious moles biopsied (I’m fine – but had stitches), performed with my husband in a murder mystery dinner show (I was the killer, but everyone blamed him! Ha!),

celebrated both Thanksgiving and Christmas with my brother, Dennis, before he flew home,

and then, because that wasn’t enough, I decided to participate in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) where I committed to completing a 50,000-word manuscript.

I should be committed.
But I did all the things! Whoo-hoo! To be sure, the “manuscript” is a glorified outline of my novel, Damn Rebel Witches, with plot holes you could drive a truck through, but that’s not the point. The point is: give me a cup of coffee and a deadline and I’m your gal.
Regarding book 1, To Rescue A Witch, it’s gone through another round of editing and the cover is being designed with a tentative release date of March 1st!!! There will be lots more to tell as I get closer.
And now I must stop blogging because I’m hosting my favorite sister and brother-in-law, Cindy and Ed.

Hope your holidays are crazy great in a good way.
Lisa 😉
P.S. – If you participated in #NaNoWriMo – how did it go?
Here’s my story. (Available on Amazon.)

Copyright (c) Lisa Traugott 2023. All rights reserved.