#19 Novel Update – Witches on the Move

It’s been a minute since my last novel update because life.

Final Edits – To Rescue A Witch

To Rescue A Witch is in it’s final edits! Yahoo! It’s literally been years. I’ve tried the traditional publishing route and had two agents interested in the manuscript but it didn’t pan out, so I’m going the KDP route. The developmental editor is doing a final read through in November and then I will move on to the fun stuff like getting a book cover. As I get closer to that point I’ll start posting samples so y’all can vote. My goal is for a 2024 release date.

Book Blog Tour

With my previous books I made a major mistake. I was so excited to finish writing the thing, I forgot to tell other people to read it. Proving that creative people aren’t necessarily business savvy. This time around I’m researching how to get readers through grassroots efforts. I think my target audience is women who like stories about witch trials.


November is National Novel Writing Month and it’s a crazy event where you challenge yourself to write a complete 50,000 word manuscript in one month. Everyone knows the draft will be awful. The goal is not to publish it as-is, but rather to have a complete story you can go back to and edit. I’m trying to convince my kids to join the challenge as well. Rylee is a maybe, Henry is a hard no. Well see…

I’ve been trying to do this for my second book in the series since May!!! I have sketched out broad ideas for book 2, “To Raise A Witch” and I just need to commit them to paper. Or the computer in this case.

Writing Conference

Next month I’m going to the Jerry Jenkins writers conference in Colorado and I can’t wait!!!  He wrote the “Left Behind” series and now writes the books for “The Chosen”. His son, Dallas, is the creator behind the TV series.

I have to admit I’m a bit nervous to go. Not only because he has over 200+ books on the New York Times Best Seller List but also because I’m guessing a lot of the attendees will be Christian writers, even though his workshops are secular and open for everyone. My book is about witches…

That’s the news with me. I hope you are doing well in your own creative pursuits.

Lisa 😉


Here’s my story. Available on Amazon.

"She's Losing It" by Lisa Traugott Book Cover
Available on Amazon

Copyright (c) Lisa Traugott 2023. All rights reserved.

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