#15 – Novel Update – Positive Feedback
Hello! I’ve got some interesting news. This month I sent my first agent query letter and… she requested the full manuscript! Now it’s an eight week wait-and-see process, but I’m taking it as a good sign at not being rejected just based on the cover letter. In the mean time I’ll continue to research other agents in case this one doesn’t work out. As I’ve mentioned before, if no one bites I’m going to self-publish because I’ve gotten a lot of positive feedback from beta readers and other writer friends. Plus, stories are meant to be shared, not hidden on a laptop or in a desk drawer. To Rescue a Witch wants to be heard 🙂
Remember I told you I’m part of an online writing group with The History Quill? Two of us from the group were chosen as success stories. Aw shucks!
And now for the most exciting news… I’m starting to write book 2! The working title is To Raise A Witch. I’m researching clan live right now. There are so many things I plan to do differently with this book. Like have an outline. My first book is 99,000 words with 200,000+ words cut. Seriously. I went down a billion rabbit holes.
That’s it for me. Hope you are doing well with your own creative pursuits 🙂
Here’s my story. (Get your copy HERE).

Copyright (c) Lisa Traugott 2023. All rights reserved.